Wednesday, November 18, 2020

A Changing World


The world is changing, and Covid 19 is not the only cause.

Even a decade ago, a president like Donald J. Trump would be impossible to comprehend.

A trash talking, rhetoric spewing , twitter addicted president for arguably the world's most important economy--who would have thought this possible?

But it happened, and it happened for whole 4 years.

And as for Bangladesh's perspective, I never thought work from home would be feasible. I remember, one of my former organizations ran a WFH pilot project. Few employees were selected who's work did not really require them to be present at office.

Interestingly, the outcome of that experiment was disastrous. One employee was good at data mining and IT related work. While going through WFH, he started taking third party projects, and soon got involved in outsourced work. One fine morning, he informed his boss that he will be quitting. That was the same line manager who recommended him for WFH.

Some others lost focus, and could never get anything done on time. They felt disconnected and dejected, and many of them asked to be brought back in the office.

However, back then, we had flexibility. But now, after almost a year of this pandemic running through our lives and causing havoc, can we get back?

#covid19 #people #work

[Originally written for and posted in Linkedin]

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