Thursday, January 28, 2021

Novelty in Cruelty

Did you read the news today?

There's novelty in cruelty!

Yes, you may find it extraordinary,

But it is no longer imaginary. 

A brand new way of bursting bubbles has been revealed,

and plethora of cruel women have adapted it already.

It's smoother than acupuncture;

and it makes the heart flatter than a punctured tire.

It only takes a second,

And it is delivered in kindness. 

But the effect is not kind!

'Cause there's no balloon at the receiver's end;

Nor is it someone's prickly skin.

It's mind; the fragile, wax-like squishy mind! 

And I do mind,

when someone delivers it, 

Injects that new kind of cruelty 

In jest. 

Needless to say

Someone's idea of jest

Could be hard for another to ingest. 

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