Wednesday, March 29, 2017


একবার এক দেশে প্লেগ ছড়িয়ে পড়লো। সেরকম মড়ক এর আগে কেউ কখনো দেখে নাই। একে একে মারা পড়তে লাগলো সবাই। এতই দ্রুত প্রাণহানী হচ্ছিল যে অনেকে তাদের ফেসবুকে "রিমেম্বারিং" লাগানোর মত মানুষ ও পেল না।

এই অবস্থায় একজন স্ট্যাটাস দিল "আমার কেন এখনো প্লেগ হল না? সৃষ্টিকর্তা কি আমাকে ভালবাসে না? কেন আমি এখনো মরলাম না?"

দিন গিয়ে মাস হল, মাস গিয়ে নতুন বছর এল, একে একে সবাই মরে গেল, কিন্তু বেচে রইল আবালটি।

তার মনে একটাই ভাবনা, আমি কি আশির্বাদপুষ্ট না অভিশপ্ত?

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Iron Fist Reviewed

SPOILERS for Iron Fist

Just finished watching episode 13, and I must say, the closure was quite a let down.

Overall, I liked the show a lot, but I must say it fares quite weakly when compared against the other MCU shows on netflix.

The worst part about this series was the romance between Iron Fist and Colleen Wing. It did not make much sense for the larger part of the show. They had very little humane interaction, and it seemed that they fell in love with each other's fighting techniques more than anything else.

The Meacham family was mostly annoying. They got a LOT of screentime to show their broken family dynamics. Harold was interesting at the beginning, but later on he became a pushover. Ward was weak and pathetic, Joy was boring.

In fact, most of the characters other than IF himself seemed boring. There wasn't even an interesting character like the policeman in Jessica Jones (who was mind controlled by Killgrave and later on became the lover of Hellcat).

Davos and Bakuto didn't add much. Gao was good, but she, too, was overused. It killed a lot of mysticism she showed in Daredevil.

The forced inclusion of the "knight nurse" has now became seriously tiring. Also, she can fight now, which also looked weird.

And for the world's sake, why she never tries contacting Luke or Matt to help Danny out is a big, unexplained mystery. In this case it made total sense to at least call up Matt once and to get some tips on handling the Hand.

Also, what is the timeline for this? Is it just after Daredevil season 1 or 2? If it is 2, then where is Elektra?

I guess most of the questions will be answered in The Defenders.